Meade Moon Map 260
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Meade Moon Map 260

Product ID: 610005647
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The Moon is Earth's nearest neighbor and certainly the easiest target to locate in the night sky. It's the ideal target to observe your first night out and will keep you amazed with its numerous features and astonishing detail. The Moon's surface is breathtaking in large telescopes, small telescopes, and even binoculars. So why not spend some time exploring our nearest neighbor with the Meade Moon Map 260? First identify the lunar feature you want to observe on the map and note the reference number closest to it. Then look up the reference number in the index table. The table is roughly organized sequential from north to south (top to bottom). Alternatively, you could start by looking up the feature in the index table, then find its reference number on the map. It's that simple! The Meade Moon Map 260 identifies over 260 lunar surface features including craters, mountain ranges, valleys, rilles, "seas" and more. Each feature is cross-referenced in the Moon Map's tables with its official name, size and a brief description. In addition to lunar landscape features, all successful spacecraft landing sites from US Apollo, Surveyor and Ranger Probe missions as well as Soviet Luna Probe missions are also clearly identified on the map. Designed for use with all types of telescopes and binoculars, the Meade Moon Map 260 features Moon images displaying a correct-image (right side up) and reversed (mirrored) image so what you see thru the telescope or binocular matches what you see on the map. This map is tough! The Meade Moon Map is protected from dew, dirt, and liquids with a durable plastic laminated coating. It measures 25.25" x 11" when unfolded and reduces to a very portable 8.5" x 11" size when folded. The Meade Moon Map 260 is the ideal companion to help you navigate all the impressive lunar features. Whether you're a seasoned astronomer or just starting out in this hobby, the Moon Map can be your guide to exploring our nearest and brightest neighbor!

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